Five Car Noises To Get Checked Out

3 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Car sounds are quite normal. Whether it's the swishing sound of wiper blades or the screeching of your tires on wet roads, you will hear sounds coming from your car. While these common sounds are harmless, there are some noises that are cause for concern. When you hear them, do not ignore them. They may be an early indication of a system or part failure. Get your car to the mechanic as soon as possible for auto repair.

Hissing or sizzling sound under the hood

The sound of hissing or sizzling when you shut off the engine is an indication of a possible leak. Oil or coolant may be dripping down to the already heated engine. There may be a leak in the vacuum line, or your engine may be overheating. If you hear this sound, contact your mechanic right away.

Loud bang at the back of your car

Have you ever heard a loud sound like a bomb in the back of your car? That sound is heard when your car backfires. Backfiring occurs when your car's internal combustion engine experiences a moment of external combustion. This may occur if there is a rich air-fuel ratio, incorrect engine timing, the distributor cap is cracked, among other reasons.

Low-pitch humming or whirring under car

Whenever you hear a low humming sound coming from under your car, you should have it checked. This sound can be an indication that you are low on lubricant, you have a failing transmission, or the universal joints may be worn out.

Squealing or chirping on acceleration

If you hear a squealing or chirping sound while increasing speed, a belt or belts are loose and slipping. The rubber has gotten worn and brittle. It may also mean that the drive pulley for an accessory such as the water pump is not aligned properly.

Scraping or grinding when applying brakes

You're on a busy road driving, and someone swerves in front of you. You instantly slam the brakes only to hear metal on metal screeching on the road. It sounds like a welding machine cutting through iron. This sound is a clear indication that you need to change your brake pads. Having defective brakes can result in accidents so get your car checked as quickly as possible.

It's good to observe the warning signs. Be proactive and service your car regularly. Mechanics are like doctors. Vehicles are like humans; they don't need to go to the 'doctor' only when they're 'sick', but check-ups are also necessary. So, check your car before it's too late.

Contact a company like Professional Automotive for more information and assistance. 
